
603 700 km² of boundless steppes, picturesque lakes, majestic mountains, fertile fields, and modern cities washed by the stormy waters of vast seas. Forty-four million close eyes, sincere smiles, and warm hearts … independent, united, unbreakable …

We are fighting hard for freedom today: fighting, volunteering, treating, working, donating, rebuilding, reassuring, not being silent… Each of these actions is an awareness of oneself as a Ukrainian.

They thought that they would take the Dream from us and we would obey, they were convinced that they would point a gun at us and we would kneel, they thought that they would make us play by their rules, talking about the so-called “brotherhood,” but they do not realize that we are different from them and have always been so…

We will not obey, as we have obeyed for centuries, because each of us is dedicated to our work: we are brave, kind, compassionate, friendly, hardworking, ambitious, honest, purposeful, wise, loving…

We have support from friends, help from the world, shelter from those who care, inspiration from like-minded people, warmth from those closest to us; we have hope – we know that very soon, a peaceful and new Ukrainian present will come…

We will win! Yes, as only Ukrainians can – with their courage and kindness!